The blog home of speaker and writer Mindy von Atzigen

The blog home of speaker and writer Mindy von Atzigen I am a lover of words, Jesus, and His church. I am also a wife, a mom, and a friend. I hope you'll consider me yours...

When a Boy Becomes a Man

My husband is away with our second born this week.  They have gone off to a cabin by a state park to do some hiking together for a couple of days.  This is the second time a trip like this has been taken in our household, and it's one we've been praying about for awhile now.  This is the trip where a Daddy will gently explain what love and intimacy are all about and what was designed by God to be a sacred gift for marriage.  It's the trip when a boy drives off with his father and comes back a young man.

We don't have many rites of passage in our culture.  Childhood has been under attack, its lines getting blurred into the teenage years with exposure to media and the encountering of concepts children weren't meant to have to process.  There is often no clear "passing over" from one phase of life to another.  Rather, it just occurs, and sometimes it is forced before a child's internal clock is ready.

This is why my heart rejoices that my son has grown up with "overprotective" parents who have kept the television off for the last twelve years and carefully monitored what he was exposed to.  It's because of that protectiveness that he will receive the information he needs from a source he can trust to not only be truthful, but one that has his best interest at heart.  Hollywood doesn't care about my son.  It doesn't love him.  It doesn't want to see him succeed.  But, his father does.

And my son will be taught what it truly means to love a woman by a man who has modeled it for him his whole life.  He will learn that true intimacy is not cheap.  In fact, the only way to purchase it is by laying down your life and putting someone else's needs above your own.  He will discover that the world's instructions on how to be a man don't tell the whole story, and then he'll get to hear the rest of that story from the lips of one who has prayed for him before he was born.

And I wonder how many men in Hollywood had a father who did that for them?  And how many would trade their bank accounts if they could go back and experience something just like that?

And I wish I could tell them that it's never too late--that if they didn't have that kind of father, they can be that kind of father.  They just need to meet the Father who has known them before they were born.  For, it is He who writes upon our hearts how to love, and it is His voice that can lead them into true manhood, the epic adventure.

Stand Firm

I held one of my sons as he wept over his sin this week.  His heart was grieved that he had grieved the heart of God. 

I understood.

And we talked about learning to stand against temptation and refusing to listen to the lies of the enemy.  We spoke of the temporary gain of sin that ultimately ends in loss.  We remembered that God has called us to holiness, because He is holy.

And then I gave him this will get worse before it gets better.

"The enemy thinks he has you now, thinks he knows that you will play into his hand.  He will come again, and soon, and he will whisper for you to agree with him and partner with him in the very act that has made you cry.  And you will need to fight to be free of him.  You will need to stand firm.  And when he comes again, you will need to stand firm again.  And again.  And again.  Until he knows you will not play by his rules.  And do you know what else you can do to beat him?  You can come to me, or to your Daddy, and tell us.  And we will pray with you.  We will pray together that you will be able to stand and fight and win."

Just today, it happened.  He told me immediately when he got in the car after school.  "I was tempted, Mom.  I stood firm, though."

And with that, his sword grew a little steadier in his hand.

"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7).  Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:16)."

The Perfect Wedding Dress

I made a decision to be a follower of Christ at the tender age of seven, almost three decades ago now.  Decades that translate to so many seasons I've spent discovering His goodness, seeing my life transformed into His likeness.  So many years to watch how He works, tracing the patterns of His grace through time.

And for years I've been following a thread, tracking it from the fruit I see around me back to His heart.  Every time I see evidence of it, I am provoked to amazement, for how can He be this good

The fellowship of the believers.  The communion of the saints.  The church as the bride.  All names for the thread I've watched weave itself back and forth for years in the lives of those around me, producing fabric of indescribable beauty and incredible strength.

I noticed it for sure the first time on the mission field to Mexico at the age of sixteen, listening to Spanish speaking believers pray with fervency.  I didn't understand their words, but I had no problem joining my prayers to theirs, knowing the God we prayed to understood us both.

I saw it again the first time my husband and I attended a new smallgroup.  We sat with people we had just met and shared our revelations about Scripture, our questions about the same, and what we saw God doing in our lives.  We didn't know these people, yet they could relate to every word we uttered because He was doing the same in their own journeys.

I celebrated it in the Czech Republic when the wife of a pastor and I prayed together with the help of an interpreter, both of us hungering for the same things and desiring the same touch from God as we lived lives thousands of miles apart.  And again in Poland.  And again in Austria.  And again in Guatemala.  And again in Brazil.

I marvel at it when I pick up a book written by a believer who I will never meet and discover the questions I have asked have already been asked in his mind and the answers I have sought are being freely shared, for the Kingdom of Heaven is all about giving and receiving.

I stand in awe of it when I listen to a living room full of ordinary people pray over a family they have just met, their prayers specific and accurate not because of years spent with one another, but because their hearts are knit together by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

The fellowship of the believers. 

The communion of the saints. 

The church as the bride.

How beautifully He clothes her.

How grateful I am to have been woven in.

Rest for the Weary

Too much.  It's that state of life that occurs when busyness crowds out wisdom. 

I usually don't realize it's happening until my head has had a slight ache for a couple of days, I've forgotten an appointment or two, and my car looks like someone might have been living in it.  It's at these times, if I look a little closer, that I usually realize my patience is running thin and my complaints are spilling over.  The laundry basket is full, yet my kids' love tanks are empty.  The phone has been overused, but the Bible hasn't been touched.

How many days have passed since I've had a sabbath?  For a pastor, Sundays don't mean rest.  We've tried to make Saturdays mean sabbath.  But, how long since we've accomplished it?

I stop to count. 

Not last Saturday.  That was the day of the wedding and the crush of trying to get everyone dressed and smiling.

Not the one before; that was the week we took the trip to visit my grandma, rushing to get home in time for the birthday party.

And it won't be next week, either.  That will be my son's game and the big church event that I've spent weeks preparing for.

And everyday in between filled.  All good things.  All necessary things.  And still all things that leave me dry and spent, with nothing in reserve.

And without a sabbath to replenish, my soul withers and my joy fades.

So, the Lord of the universe knew what He was doing when He commanded me to rest.  He knew my weakness, my fragility, and my need.  He created me so that my strengths would only shine to the measure that I depend on Him, making way for the beauty of who He is to rise up out of my flesh.  He made a way for my heart to connect with His through rest--- rest with purpose.  For He is a God of purpose.

When I was nineteen, I taught a Sunday School class in a little country church.  My class was made up of about five or six little country boys.  I made a timeline and started from the beginning, determined to give them an overview of the Old Testament in one semester.

The first week, I taught on creation.  Day one, God made light.  Day two, God separated the waters.  Day three, God made the earth.  Day four, God made the sun, moon, and stars.  Day five, God made the birds and the sea creatures.  Day six, God made the animals and mankind.  But, on day seven, God rested. 

"And why do you think God did that?" I asked those small boy faces, all looking at me with serious eyes.

There was more than one quiet moment before one little guy ventured, "Well, ma'am, maybe He wanted to give it a day and make sure it all worked."

I admit I laughed before I explained the reason God rested was to teach us how to rest.  He knew it would all work, but He knew the way we would work the way we were designed to work would be to rest, and then to rise again with new purpose.

And when I obey, I discover my mind can think clearly again and my creativity can flow again.  I often find the solutions to problems I have been mulling over are dropped into my lap after a day of rest, His love-gift to my overworked brain. 

And the next day, I have renewed energy to tackle the to-do list, yet I am more in-tune to the needs on my children's faces than before, as if my vision has been cleared from the fog of urgency.

How wise He is, and how loving.  Why do I ever fight Him, thinking my way is better?  My way that leads to burn-out and emptiness-- it could never measure up to the fulness He offers with a hand out-stretched and a lap ready to receive me.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  (Matthew 11:28-30)

Ways to rest today:
  • lie in the hammock without feeling guilty
  • turn off the television
  • work on the creative project you've been itching to try
  • paint, even if you can't
  • read your favorite book in the Bible and journal all the reasons you love it
  • make your favorite meal and eat it with your family by candlelight
  • bubblebath after the kids are in bed with your favorite music tured low
  • snuggle with your spouse and tell each other why you love one another
  • have a joke-telling contest with your children
  • put on a worship album and listen to the whole thing in one sitting
  • ask the Lord why you avoid silence and listen for His answer

Brokenness Transformed

As a life-long lover of Jesus, I've attended so many of them, yet they never fail to move me.  Last night was no different.  As each new believer went down into the baptism waters, the words were spoken over them, "Buried with Christ in death...and raised to walk in newness of life."

Every head lowered into the water, every head raised dripping newness.

The child baptized by his father, the teens baptized by their youth minister, the adult baptized by the pastor who spoke over her life, "The Lord is restoring to you the years the locust has eaten."

All changed.  All beautiful.  All new.  All celebrated.

And how much more does Heaven rejoice over the lives that have been redeemed, transformed?  How much more does God's heart leap for joy when the ugly, the broken, and the shameful things have been wiped away, leaving only His beauty?

Lord, give me your heart for the broken.  May I ache for them the way You do so that I never grow weary of sharing Your grace.  Remind me often of my own transformation and give me a passion to see others transformed.  May I never count anyone as unredeemable...and may my eyes be opened to what every broken life can be when it is raised to walk in newness of life.